Can you tell from these last couple of posts that I've been going through old photos?
Dad has an old photo album of his mother's, it's the ancient type with adhesive pages that deteriorates the pictures over time. I've removed as many pictures as can be without damage, the others will take a little more TLC to get them out. Anyway, I thought you might like to see a few of dad's childhood pics.
The back of this photo said: Albert age 3, yellow linen suit, homemade.
Nothing written on the back of this one, but I'd estimate that Albert was 7 or 8 years old.
I called dad at work to see if he remembered where this picture was taken, this is what he told me: Their family was visiting a Steven Foster commemorative site. Who you ask is Steven Foster? Well, he is the composer of "Swanee River", the state song of Florida. Dad and his brother Monty were almost eight years apart in age. Monty looks like a real happy fellow. I think their personalities were about as different as night and day.
Here's a funny side note to the pic: At this age dad thought that if you opened your mouth when the picture was taken, there would be a word bubble above his head with what he was saying. All pictures from this trip his mouth was open.
Does this mean I have to take apart all those albums? Tell you what I will send them to you and pay you to do it for me! I have been wanting to scan all those old pics and film (bought the film scanner) but I never find the time to get to this project. With the addition of two little girls to the house it may be a while yet!
I enjoy your Blog...gimmee more! LOL
These are great photos! Thanks for sharing them with us!!
How fun!!! He's adorable! Love it!!
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