The greatest poem ever known
Is one all poets have outgrown:
The poetry, innate, untold,
Of being only four years old.
~Christopher Morley
Yesterday evening I was witness to one of the most magical moments in a child's life. Magical not so much for the child, at least not to their conscious awareness but magical for the one privileged to witness it.
Grace came downstairs to spend a few minutes with me prior to getting ready for bed. The first while was spent roaming around on the floor in the demeanor of "Nala" her favorite lioness from the movie "The Lion King." After a short conversation of primordial roars between the two of us she became tired of the role playing and crawled up into my lap.
She reached for one of the books that I keep next to my chair for just such an occasion and we began to flip through the pages, stopping here and there to comment on the different stories we had become familiar with. I read a line or two then became quiet as I realized Grace was sounding out the words. We took turns doing a word here and there then turned to a fresh page. Without saying anything I just pointed to the words as she proceeded to slowly but very clearly read the next two pages.
This experience is more precious than gold.
Thank you Grace.