Faith, Family, and Truth
We've been home from our Torrey Reunion for over a week now. I knew it would be over far too fast! The scenery was beyond beautiful, the wind annoying, the food yummy, the company delightful, and now the memories are treasured. I think the final count in attendance was 33. Greatly missed was our, one and only, Robert. His unexpected absence was felt by everyone.The first two mornings began with cooking of the traditional SCONES. Oh, those heavenly taste treats slathered with honey-butter. Then the activities of the day would unfold. I loved watching the children and teens run here, there, and everywhere. One moment they're on the see-saw, or swinging, then the lure of the swimming pool overtakes them and swim suits, beach towels, and suntan lotion appear as if by magic. Groups came and went on hikes, scenic drives, tips to the soda shop/malt shop in town, or just a quick visit to the country store for more ice. A huge THANK YOU to Uncle Steve for keeping the supply of firewood topped off. Much appreciated by everyone were the tasty meals conjured up by the evenings designated cooks. Food is a most important element to every family gathering, and once again we were not disappointed. Kudos to Aunt Nan for providing the novelty item of the event, headlamps for all of the kiddos. Every evening they looked like "fire flies" out on the grass area. And can I tell you how grateful I am that no little ones were hurt this year. We were blessed with 4 days of nothing more than an insignificant scrap or "boo boo".
Here is Heather working on lunch for the masses.

Jane, sporting the ever so fashionable "headlamp".
Just a small group of the adults hang'n out.

Quite possibly my favorite activity of the entire 4 days. Heather and Sri directed the efforts to construct a quilt. Watching everyone with their needles and long strands of yarn, working together to complete the much coveted comforter, was very satisfying. When all the work was done, McKenna Kline was the lucky one to take it home.

Even the guys got envolved and made a significant contribution.
Grace enjoyed a sucker while laying in the shade under the quilt.
McKenna found the shade irrestible too.
Sierra is an old hand at tying a quilt.