What, you don't know the song, am I really that old? Come on Nan, I know you could sing it from beginning to end, I can always depend on my Nan to belt out a song from an old movie or Broadway play. Nan, you're my ace in the hole!
By now you must all think that I've finally lost my last grasp on sanity, but NO!, I just actually feel REALLY GOOD today and this song has been running through my head non stop since waking up this morning. Yesterdays song was "Sing a Song of Six Pence" but I couldn't remember the words to the first line and neither could dad or Heather. Dad finally looked it up on the Internet so that it wouldn't drive me crazy anymore and I could move on with my day. Dad knows how fragile my state of mind is, he does everything he can to keep me away from falling over the edge. Remember, a mind is a terrible thing to waste.