Sep 23, 2008

Nothing Lasts Forever

Even the miracle of medicine doesn't last forever. The steroid treatment gave me a big boost for about 48 hours. I should be thankful for the 48 hours of strength, but I sure wish something could change to make me feel alive again. Sorry for complaining, I won't blog again until I have something more positive or entertaining to say.

Here's a positive note: can you believe how beautiful the weather has been? Oh how I love the change of seasons. Two of our window wells have these wonderful nasturtium vines growing down into them. The leaves are incredibly round and green and the orange blossoms that peak through the vines make me smile. Heavenly Father has really out done himself in the"beauties of nature" department.

Sep 17, 2008

Better Living Through Chemistry

I've learned a lot of good things in my lifetime, but for today my FAVORITE bit of learning that I'd like to pass on is this:


Today I received my second day of IV steroid treatments at the hospital and I'm happy to say that
1) Life is once again worth living
2) I am woman - hear me roar!
3) Hello World!!!!

Persistence pays - if one doctor won't listen to you, go somewhere else.

Sep 11, 2008

Still drawing breath and taking nurishment......barely

This round of chemo just about did me in, just ask Albert or Heather.....
I won't go into gory details, but I'm done, I'd rather not go through that again, so I'm telling the Doctor to "take-a-hike!" I found out that I was not supposed to be having my weekly Avonex injection for my MS while doing the chemo thing, so now I can barely walk, my left had is partially numb and very weak. Taking a shower is a major accomplishment of each day and I'm not worth spit. It's been almost 2 weeks since I did any work to help pay the bills.... good grief!

I'll post further updates soon.